day to day of our lives...
whatever it is...
it's also easy to sit and think
about what we don't have...
i know i've become victim to it...
there are certain days,
like yesterday,
that could have crippled me...
if i let it...
on the way to the pub yesterday,
for my birthday eve beer,
i couldn't help but think of
my parents...
and how i miss them...
how i'll never hear the story of
me being born
in my dad's voice again...
how i'll never see my mom
standing beside him smiling
as he stands up to act out the
"drunken paying of the nun"...
and that sucks...
but you know what???
i can't change that...
so i've decided that
rather than focusing on what i don't have
all my attention will be on what
i do have...
like the BGE who sends me selfies from the target bathroom...
sorry hk... :)
fall ball y'all... with the birthday boy under the lights...
batman... protecting the world from evil with his most awesome hair...
superman... he'll protect the world tomorrow... right now he's tired...
family... not really sure how only my head is in this pic... i do have legs... i swear...
and that was all just yesterday...
today is yet another awesome day and
there's so much more that i'm thankful for...