Wednesday, July 25, 2012

i am that idiot

having a hard time finding making time to write
i have to get better about that

remember those friday nights
in the dead of summer
98 degrees
132% humidity
africa hot
driving down the road
in your air conditioned car
from your air conditioned house
to the air conditioned bar
to get a nice cold beer in an icy mug
and you'd see someone running
and you'd say
f*$%#&g idiot???
i remember

i am that idiot

heather's sisters and kids were in town this past weekend
(that's a whole other story for big rhonda's world )
i was scheduled to run saturday morning
there was no way i was going to be going to bed
early on a friday night
while the sisters and kids were in town
so i could get up and run early in the am
so i got home from work
did a quick turn around
and ran
and man was it hot
but man was it awesome
the thing that you don't know when you are driving down the road
is that idiot doesn't HAVE to be out there
they have chosen to be out there
which may make them an even bigger idiot in your eyes
the heat
the swamp ass
the sweat dripping in your eyes
the feeling that you could throw up
it's all worth it
when you think the heat is winning
that you just don't have it in you
when you put your head down and
then all of a sudden
you are done
you did it
and then
you can walk back into your air conditioned house...

i am that idiot
i've been called worse...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

doctors and facebook

let me start this whole thing with this
i know on my other blog
that's right
i'm a franchise
big rhonda's world
i said i was staying away from facebook
hk suggested that i at least
post links to this blog
she thought i might inspire someone
i don't know about all that
but really
it's for my own selfish reasons
because who doesn't love
hearing people say
good job
proud of you
keep up the good work
you can do it
just a few little words of encouragement can
help you power through the last minute of a difficult run
or make it alllllll the way to the top of that hill
i like hearing other people's stories
i'll still be posting links to this here blog...

now that that is out of the way
went to the dr yesterday
she poked
and prodded
and pulled
and pushed
and twisted
does this hurt
does it hurt when i do this
      umm yeah a little
      you did just put my foot behind my head
she thinks that i just pulled something
she gave me some knee strengthening exercises
and said
she didn't really scream it
but in my head
it was RUN!!!
so my alarm went off at 5am this morning
and i
i started over with the couch to 5k program
my knee feels great
i feel great
i am so excited to be back out there
and running

been eating healthy
been more active
been drinking less
no smoking since 01/01/12
now i can run

what else could a girl ask for
i am on top of the world right now!!!