i've been told that i stop breathing in my sleep...
i never thought much about it...
i never noticed anything different in my regular
day to day stuff...
these past 6-8 months have been different...
heather tells me i snore
that i stop breathing a lot through the night
i wake up in the middle of the night
gasping for breath
i have almost fallen asleep at my desk
sitting at stop lights
anywhere else you can imagine...
i am constantly tired...
my memory is crap...
i'm moody...
i'm irritable...
you can ask heather about these last two :)
i've been sick more in these past 6-8 months
than i have been in the past 3 years...
so i went to a sleep clinic dr guy...
had the initial appt last week
he pretty much said i have sleep apnea...
kinda figured...
went in saturday for an overnight sleep study...
let me just tell you how weird it is to
drive to lexington at 8:30 on a saturday night
with your pillow and your sleepy time clothes
walk into a doctor's office
sit next to an old guy in his sweatpants...
lady took me back to what would be my room for the night...
party time |
she hooked all this up to me...
some on my legs to see how often i kicked my legs...
a band around my stomach and chest to record my breathing...
a pulse oximeter thingy on my finger to measure the oxygen in my blood...
sensors to the side of my eye to measure my eye movement
to show when i've reached rem...
sensors on my chin to show - hell i don't know...
some tube up my nose just to be mean i think...
and crap all over my head...
i wanted to take a picture of it all once it was on
i was afraid to move too much...
so she hooked me up to the machines
wished me sweet dreams...
i fell asleep pretty easily...
i usually do...
she came in once because my ekg thing had come off...
oh yeah -
i had two sensors on my chest for the ekg...
i called her once because i had to piddle...
that was interesting with all that jazz hooked up to me...
i tossed
i turned
just like any other night...
she came in at 1 am with a cpap mask...
she said
"we're gonna put this mask on you for the rest of the night
try to get you some sleep...
because sweet dear, you don't sleep"...
i know...
that's why i'm here...
took a little bit to get used the mask...
of course
once she leaves
it's dark
i'm alone
the fear of dying with this stupid mask
suction cupped to face pops into my head...
pushed that away
the next thing i know
she's coming in to wake me up...
what time is it?
6 am
what time did you put the mask on me?
1 am
i don't think i woke up once in between
nope, you sure didn't...
so there it is...
i have sleep apnea...
i will be sleeping with a cpap mask...
it's my enormous tonsils that are causing the issue...
and my weight...
they are conspiring against me...
here's the good thing...
according to what i have read and understood
fat people get sleep apnea...
sleep apnea causes you to gain weight
it's hard to lose weight...
catch 22...
so once i get this mask
i'll be getting good sleep...
i'll continue to lose weight...
my energy will be back up...
i'll continue to lose weight...
i won't be sick every other week...
i'll continue to lose weight
i'll start running again because i'll have energy...
i'll continue to lose more weight...
i'll get my tonsils out...
i'll get rid of that machine...
and i'll be as awesome as i ever was...
that's the plan anyway...
Sweet Dreams zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz