Friday, July 26, 2013


i was supposed to go to the gym this morning...
i didn't make it
and here's why,
in my own
roundabout way...

most mornings
when that alarm goes off
my body is up and ready to go...
but my mind???
well that's another story...
my mind tells me
to pull the covers over my head...
to cuddle up to hk...
just go back to sleep...

but eventually my body wins...
my body talks my mind
into dragging my sorry ass
out of bed
and into the gym...
and my mind is thankful
for it... 

but this morning
my body revolted...
my mind was ready...
but my body was not...
i was sore...
i was stiff...
i did some strength training monday...
i ran 36 minutes straight tuesday...
i did a 50 minute spin class wednesday...
i did even more intense strength training thursday...
my body said
"aw hell no"
and if I have learned anything
during this evolution,
it's that you 
listen to your body...
so i got an extra
hour and a half of sleep...
and my body is thankful
that i listened to my mind...

they sometimes disagree,
my mind and body...
but when push comes to shove,
they know what's right...

i just need to listen to the right one...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


i stood flat footed
knees locked
bent at the waist
touched my toes...

may not seem like much,
but to me,
it was pretty darn awesome...


even though she didn't have to work
hk got up at 4:45 and went to the
gym with me on monday morning...

even though she didn't have to work
hk got up at 5:20 and went to the 
gym with me on tuesday morning...

and this morning...
here's what happened...

i was going to get up at 4:45 
and go to the gym for a spin class...
hk was going to go to the gym
at some point today...

in the middle of the night
it came a gally gap slinger...
not really sure where this
term came from, but
i heard someone say it once
about a really bad storm...
it was a big one...
and let's just say
thunder shirts were
no match for this storm...
pete and maddie were 
not happy campers...

so there was not a lot of
sleep happening...
when my alarm went off
at 4:45
i said,
"awww hell no"
and reset it for 6:00...
telling myself i'll go to the
5:30 spin class tonight...

alarm goes off at 6...
i wake heather up and tell
her i'm not going to the gym
and that it's 6 and not 4:45...
shower and all that jazz...
while i'm getting dressed in 
the other room
and packing my gym back
for tonight's class,
i'm thinking to myself
what if i just accidentally 
forget my gym shoes and
then i can't go to the gym tonight???
no shoes???
no gym...
i'm trying to talk myself 
out of the gym...
i want to come home...
i want to sit on the couch...
i want to rest...
that's when i hear hk get up...
she's getting herself ready to
go to the gym...
on her day off...

well if
heather anne kimberling
is getting up at the 
butt crack of dawn
to go to the gym by herself
i'm triple checking my
gym bag to make sure
i've got everything i need
because i'm hitting that spin class
and i'm hitting it hard...

thanks hk...
i won't get mushy here,
even though you know i want to...
i'll just leave it at that...

Friday, July 19, 2013

super jess

i started this whole thing,
this journey of a better me,
right about the time
this fuzzy headed goofball
came back into my life:
i’ve started
and stopped...
and started again
and gone backwards
more times than i can count…
i've been motivated
and positive...
and lazy 
and negative...
but the one thing i have not done,
and will never do,
is give up...

a couple of months ago,
a facebook friend posted this:
and i wrote it out
on a piece of paper
and it's taped up in my bathroom...
a constant reminder that
life is evolution...
i'm not who i want to be
but i'm sure not who i was...
i haven't smoked a cigarette in
565 days...
i don't drink 5-7 days a week
like i used to...
i don't eat fast food...
if at all possible i eat organic...
this past sunday was the last day
i ate meat...
this morning i did this:

the warrior dash is just
around the corner...
here's my shirt

hk found this awesome blog
that has inspired me...

if she can do this:
then maybe,
just maybe
i can get back to this:

life changing
things are happening right now...
not to me
but because of me...

life is good!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


every once in a while
i get a reminder
from the universe
that i am exactly where i am supposed to be...
that i am on the right path...
and that it hasn't forgotten about me...

i got one...

while driving home,
down that long stretch of 27
i noticed how beautiful it was...
green grass...
blue sky...
white clouds...
the clouds...
see them all the time...
but for some reason today
i started really
looking for things...
for shapes...
for faces...
so i grabbed my phone
and just started snapping pictures...
not really able to see
what i was photographing...

and then i start daydreaming...
about all kinds of things...
and before i know it 
i'm home...

gotta feed the dogs...
start laundry...
take a shower...
clean the kitchen...
feed myself...
and as i sit at the kitchen table,
i grab my phone,
and go to my TED app...
(thanks lac...)
and here's the new ted talk for today
watch it...
do it...
and that's when i remember
the pictures i took...
(i do this a lot,
take pictures while driving
to or from work
or home)
so let's take a look
and see what we got...

the rest were either
of my fingers
or pure sunlight...

i love daydreaming...