Friday, July 19, 2013

super jess

i started this whole thing,
this journey of a better me,
right about the time
this fuzzy headed goofball
came back into my life:
i’ve started
and stopped...
and started again
and gone backwards
more times than i can count…
i've been motivated
and positive...
and lazy 
and negative...
but the one thing i have not done,
and will never do,
is give up...

a couple of months ago,
a facebook friend posted this:
and i wrote it out
on a piece of paper
and it's taped up in my bathroom...
a constant reminder that
life is evolution...
i'm not who i want to be
but i'm sure not who i was...
i haven't smoked a cigarette in
565 days...
i don't drink 5-7 days a week
like i used to...
i don't eat fast food...
if at all possible i eat organic...
this past sunday was the last day
i ate meat...
this morning i did this:

the warrior dash is just
around the corner...
here's my shirt

hk found this awesome blog
that has inspired me...

if she can do this:
then maybe,
just maybe
i can get back to this:

life changing
things are happening right now...
not to me
but because of me...

life is good!!!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing great! And realizing that it's a new way of life and a lifelong journey is the biggest part of the battle! I'm in the same boat trying to win the battle of the bulge as I realize getting old and having kids doesn't help things at all. Keep on keepin' on - don't give up! Love you, Jess!!
