Wednesday, July 24, 2013


even though she didn't have to work
hk got up at 4:45 and went to the
gym with me on monday morning...

even though she didn't have to work
hk got up at 5:20 and went to the 
gym with me on tuesday morning...

and this morning...
here's what happened...

i was going to get up at 4:45 
and go to the gym for a spin class...
hk was going to go to the gym
at some point today...

in the middle of the night
it came a gally gap slinger...
not really sure where this
term came from, but
i heard someone say it once
about a really bad storm...
it was a big one...
and let's just say
thunder shirts were
no match for this storm...
pete and maddie were 
not happy campers...

so there was not a lot of
sleep happening...
when my alarm went off
at 4:45
i said,
"awww hell no"
and reset it for 6:00...
telling myself i'll go to the
5:30 spin class tonight...

alarm goes off at 6...
i wake heather up and tell
her i'm not going to the gym
and that it's 6 and not 4:45...
shower and all that jazz...
while i'm getting dressed in 
the other room
and packing my gym back
for tonight's class,
i'm thinking to myself
what if i just accidentally 
forget my gym shoes and
then i can't go to the gym tonight???
no shoes???
no gym...
i'm trying to talk myself 
out of the gym...
i want to come home...
i want to sit on the couch...
i want to rest...
that's when i hear hk get up...
she's getting herself ready to
go to the gym...
on her day off...

well if
heather anne kimberling
is getting up at the 
butt crack of dawn
to go to the gym by herself
i'm triple checking my
gym bag to make sure
i've got everything i need
because i'm hitting that spin class
and i'm hitting it hard...

thanks hk...
i won't get mushy here,
even though you know i want to...
i'll just leave it at that...

1 comment:

  1. That HK is a pretty special lil human being. Then again, so are you.

    P.S. LOVE having my RSS feed pop-up with your blog posts. Love, love, love it. Gimme more. :)
