Friday, May 25, 2012

over the shoulder bolder holder

let's start with something we all know
i have tig o bitties
fat girls normally do
so i got a sports bra
just a regular one from the wal-marts
and started running while hk was on vacation
let's just say
i was still a little
so i mentioned it to hk
while on vacation
not too long after i got an email with this
and it pretty much said
read the reviews
what size do you think you are
because i'm getting this for you
i responded with
i'm this size
that's a lot
she said
you get what you pay for
i'm ordering it
it came in last night
so i of course had to try it on
that thing has 13
clasps on the front of it
it's like fort knox
it's a chastity bra
it was a little tight
but that's what the reviews all said
so i finished up with my chores around the house
and honestly
forgot that i was even wearing it
until i sat down
not comfy
not a lounging bra
so i took it off
much to my relief
and headed to bed
"the bras were hung by the back door with care
with hopes that black eyes would soon disappear"
set my alarm a little early
just to take the time to
strap myself into this thing
and headed out the back door
not without a kiss
a look from hk
and her saying
"those puppies are really smashed down in there"
and let me just say
boobs stayed flat
it was great
i totally forgot that i was even wearing it
it does come up a little high
and when i first put it on
it felt like i was putting on a bullet proof vest
swat team style
but once i got going
it was
so i end this blog about my boobs
with a big boob sized thank you to hk
for taking care of my ladies
you are my inspiration for everything
for quitting smoking
for not drinking so much
for eating healthier
for running
for wanting to be a better me
so that i can spend more time
with you
being happy
being in love


  1. Through this letter of bras, boobs, babes and blessings I could not help but read through to the real meaning behind this blog. This blog speaks of personal change of hope for a bright future, for determination and speaks mostly of love.
    I pray that God will bring you all the joy and happiness that this life has to offer and as you continue down your road of transformation may you remember its going to take more than a good bra to hold you down! Keep going I am so proud of you!
    Love ya, Mark

  2. thank you so much mark... that brought tears to my eyes... you are an amazing man and i'm lucky to have you in my life...
