Tuesday, May 15, 2012

some music...

with this couch to 5k program
you run in intervals
like week one is
run 60 seconds
walk 90 seconds
for a 20 minute period
so in order not to watch the clock the whole time
which i DON'T want to do
you need some sort of verbal cues
and i know that i need music when i run
if not
i get stuck in my own head
and bad things happen
i've been searching around the interwebs for the perfect combo
music that doesn't suck
isn't techno
up beat
makes me feel good
with cues as to when to switch from running to walking
i think i found it here
first of all
her website is
how could i not already love it
i downloaded week one
brittney (my assistant who is doing this as well)
went nuts and wanted to know where to get it
so i thought i would share it
i know that some of my fb
and real life friends are doing this
and thought it might help them out

i had today off
and am really looking forward to running again tomorrow
my legs are a little stiff today
but i figured they would be
but i still feel amazing
and am looking forward to each day

1 comment:

  1. 1. I am SO proud of you!
    2. You can totally do this!
    3. If I can become a 'runner', I swear that anyone can! Remember this when the going gets tough.
    4. I do a run/walk program, there is no way I could go out and run 10 miles without an in-between goal, so I generally do 3 min run / 1 min walk (if I'm really in shape, I can do 4/1). And I have a watch that pings on the intervals for me. I actually have 2 watches, because I'm always losing one or the other. If you decide intervals are the thing for you after the 5K, they sell them at Target for $40, but I promise it's a good investment. I can send you the link if you ever want it.
    5. You rock!!!
    6. Did I mention I'm proud of you?!?!?
